Report: all occuring second place name levels p, including frequency,

         Description: all occuring second place name levels, including frequency, ordered by place name level

Alle voorkomende tweede niveau plaatsnamen en hoe vaak ze voorkomen,geordend volgens plaatsnaam niveau

Matches 1851 to 1900 of 1900   » Comma-delimited CSV file

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# Level_2 Number
1851 South Pacific 
1852 Ss. Simon and Jude Catholic Church 
1853 St. Francis Church 
1854 St. John The Baptist Catholic Church 
1855 St. John's Hospital 
1856 St. John's Luthern Church 
1857 St. Margaret's Hospital 
1858 St. Mary's Cemetery 
1859 St. Matthew 
1860 St. Peter's 
1861 St. Peter's Catholic Church 
1862 Star Valley Care Center 
1863 Star Valley Medical Center 
1864 Summersville Regional Medical Center 
1865 Sunrise Retirement Community 
1866 Sweden 
1867 Swift County Benson Hospital 
1868 Switzerland 
1869 Tennessee 
1870 Tennessee or Alabama 
1871 Tennessee or Illinois 
1872 Tennessee or Maryland 
1873 Texas 
1874 The Leader 
1875 the USA 
1876 Thornton 
1877 Ulmer Funeral Home 
1878 United States 
1879 University of Washington Hospital 
1880 USA 
1881 Utah 
1882 VA Hospital 
1883 Vermont 
1884 Vicksburg 
1885 Virginia 
1886 Wabash 
1887 Warsaw 
1888 Washington 
1889 Washington DC 
1890 West Virginia 
1891 White Chapel Memorial Gardens Mausoleum 
1892 Wisconsin 
1893 Wolcott 
1894 Woodmere Cemetery 
1895 Woodsdale Memorial 
1896 World War II at sea 
1897 Wuertemberg 
1898 Wyoming 
1899 Zion Evangelical Church 
1900 Zollchow 

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